Welcome to our new website
Welcome to our updated website!
We like it and think you will too. In addition to an all new fresh look, you’ll find a lot of new features:
— It is fully responsive for mobile devices to assure our site is easy to use on any device from your smart phone to your desktop computer.
— With over 3000 products, it is sometimes hard to find just the one you want. We’ve added filters to help narrow your choices down to a more manageable number. These are in place in several key categories that were bogged down with choices. We’ll continue to add them in other areas as they make sense.
— Pull down menus so that you can select subcategories with one click rather than having to navigate to them. This also allows you to see in one glance what the subcategories are.
— A tighter integration without our order/inventory management system that will enhance the information we can provide about your order status from within your account on our website.
— A host of back end features that will improve our ability to fulfill orders efficiently.
— And, as you have discovered, we’ve added a blog where I’ll provide periodic updates that may be of interest to our customers.
if you see anything on our website that you think that could use improving to make it more user friendly please let us know